Planned projects
Expansion of a steam-gas turbine power plant for the construction of an additional 165 MW power unit
The project consists of 2 gas turbine generators (50 MW) and 1 steam turbine generator (65 MW) |
Source of funding: at the stage of determination, the EBRD and EDB have shown interest in financing the Project. Debt financing is being worked out through the K-SURE South Korean ECA. |
Implementation period: 2023-2027 |
Current status: consideration of the Project concept |
Construction of infrastructure facilities in the SEZ NIPT (2nd stage) for the needs of the "Polyethylene" Projects
The project consists of 220 kV overhead line with a length of 58 km |
Source of funding: Republican Budget |
Implementation period: 2025-2027 |
Current status: passing corporate procedures, development of project documentation |
Waste processing complex with water treatment and wastewater treatment plant
The project consists of waste recycling plant |
Source of funding: Own funds |
Implementation period: 2023-2026 |
Current status: passing corporate procedures |
Construction of a technical water pipeline from Atyrau to Karabatan
The project consists of 31 km long water pipeline |
Source of funding: is under consideration |
Implementation period: 2023-2024 |
Current status: a memorandum of the project is being worked out jointly with the Akimat of Atyrau region |