The purpose of the visit was to familiarize with the production processes and activities of the Partnership.

Members of the delegation were familiarized with the combined cycle power plant and waste and waterwater treatment facility.

The combined cycle power plant was brought into operation in 2019 and has a capacity of 310 MWh. The facility was built to provide the participants of the SEZ "NIPT" with power and high-pressure steam. The main fuel for power and steam generation is fuel gas from the Makat-North Caucasus gas pipeline.

A waste and waterwater treatment facility with a capacity of 789 m3/hour was launched in 2021. It is designed to provide SEZ "NIPT" participants with demineralized, desalinated, production and fire-fighting water, as well as to treat wastewater from these participants. The main raw material for water production is river water from the main water pipeline "Astrakhan-Mangyshlak".

During the inspection the delegation members asked questions regarding the compliance of the production facilities with environmental standards, compliance with environmental protection requirements, technical condition of the facilities. Responsible employees of the Partnership provided answers to them. In addition, they reported that to date works on current repairs are being carried out at the waste and waterwater treatment facility.

It should be noted that the Partnership pays great attention to environmental protection and compliance with environmental standards, so the recommendations received from the delegation members will be taken into account.